Create a sense of wellbeing that radiates

Discover your wellbeing experience


It’s a pleasure to have you here.

As you are reading this, you are likely to be a part of one of the world’s leading hospitality companies.

At Flourished You, we know from experience that working in the hospitality sector can be challenging and in today’s competitive hospitality industry, a positive work environment can be the edge needed to thrive. We are committed to assisting in this mission with dedication and expertise.

Our training programme “A Place to Flourish” is designed to provide hospitality professionals with the skills and knowledge to create a positive and uplifting environment for colleagues and guests.

This interactive online experience gives a glimpse into the proposed programme we designed for the needs of hospitality professionals.

The Needs

The Wellbeing Needs

Based on interviews and extensive research, a specific needs assessment for the hospitality sector has identified the following major wellbeing needs.

Long Hours & Limited Rehabilitation Possibility

Shifts and working hours in the hospitality industry can be long and demanding and the opportunity to use the days off for rehabilitation purposes can be limited.

Lack of Appreciation
& Recognition

The hospitality industry requires hard work and despite the needed dedication, many employees feel like their hard work goes unappreciated.

Toxic Workplace Culture
& Inefficient Communication

Poor communication, rudeness, bullying and ignorance can create a toxic workplace culture and increase the likelihood of employees seeking alternatives.

The Consequences

The presented work conditions are typical for hospitality and have a ripple effect on further consequences for the employees and the organisation.

High Stress Levels

High stress levels have negative effects on physical and mental health and often cause burnout.


Poor Engagement

Low motivation and commitment lead to dissatisfaction and poor work performance.



Dissatisfaction increases, team morale drops and resignation appears more likely.


Work Absence

The likelihood of accidents, substance abbuse, sick days and lack of mutual trust increases.


70-80% Turnover Rates

One of the biggest challenges of the industry which lead to high avoidable costs is the exceptional turnover rate. Whenever there is high employee turnover, there are ripple effects that spread to the entire organisation.

Lack of Labour

The absence of staff creates a void that has a negative impact on performance and morale in the team.

High Costs

Recruitment and training according to hotel values and standards is time-consuming and costly.


Staff shortages can affect the entire team and impact the productivity of the organisation.


Stressed and inexperienced employees create an unpleasant atmosphere for guests.

The Proposal

A Place to Flourish

Download the complete proposal as a pdf document for more information on wellbeing needs and the implications for the hospitality sector.

The Wellbeing Solution


What if a wellbeing culture could be established that not only retains employees and attracts high potential but also spreads to guests, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty?

This is where Positive Psychology, the science of wellbeing and flourishing, comes in. At its core, it is a field of study that focuses on understanding and cultivating positive emotions, behaviours and relationships.

The hospitality industry can benefit immensely from Positive Psychology as it provides precious insight and powerful tools for achieving service excellence.

The Solution

The Wellbeing Advantage

Higher wellbeing at work is advantegous in multiple respects.

A Place to Flourish

A Place to Flourish is a multifaceted programme specifically designed
to meet the needs of hospitality professionals.

Improve Engagement
& Motivation

Create an Appreciative Workplace

Establish Positive Communication

Improve Conflict

Enhance Wellbeing
& Satisfaction

Strengthen Optimism
& Resilience

Enable Regular Flow Experience

Increase Stress
Coping Skills

The Programme

The psychological-based training, integrated with interactive exercises and other wellbeing techniques, addresses the needs identified in the previous assessment.

The Wellbeing Modules

The modules are based on the leading wellbeing model of Positive Psychology. 

They are carefully conceptualised and tailored to the needs of hospitality professionals.

Positive Emotions

The function and cultivation of pleasent emotions, their impact on performance and how to increase them sustainably.


Identification and application of character strengths to stimulate regular flow, the state of optimal performance.

Positive Relationsips

Team-building and high functioning relationships through appreciative communication and coaching techniques.

The Wellbeing Diagnostic

Measurements of wellbeing parameters are taken to monitor progress and identify individual needs. 

Additionally, a wide range of questionnaires, scales and guided inquiries are undertaken to promote self-exploration and development.

The Wellbeing Interventions

For sustainable effects, specific interventions from Positive Psychology are implemented.

These include various activities developed and tested in scientific studies to promote positive emotions, cognitions and behaviours.


Science-based interventions

from Psychology to enhance

wellbeing and support self-discovery.


Background knowledge, concepts

and theories from Psychology.


Scientific measurement tools and

questionnaires to explore

individual characteristics.


Additional resources such as

videos, books or podcasts that are

relevant to the topic are recommended.

The Wellbeing Workbooks

The workbooks serve to deepen understanding between and after sessions and facilitate independent exploration and development. 

The workbooks consist of background knowledge from cutting-edge research, specifically designed exercises and tools from psychology to facilitate wellbeing and self-exploration.


At the outset of the programme, key person interviews are conducted to identify specific wellbeing needs and indicators.


The workbooks serve to deepen understanding between and after sessions and facilitate independent exploration and development.


To determine the training effectiveness, a three months follow-up is conductes in which the measurements are repeated and key persons are interviewed again.

Training Modules

The training modules are inplemented on three consecutive days (full-time modality) and accompanied by workbooks. The workbooks support and encourage employees after the training.

Positive Emotions

The function and cultivation of pleasent emotions, their impact on performance and how to increase them sustainably.


The identification and application of character strengths to stimulate regular flow, the state of optimal performance.

Positive Relationships

Team-building and high functioning relationships through appreciative communication & coaching techniques.

The Certification

There are two levels of certification for completion of the programme.

The Individual Certification

Participating employees receive a certificate attesting that they have acquired skills and knowledge from Positive Psychology regarding stress- and wellbeing management, character strengths and engagement, and positive communication and interaction.

The Hotelbranch Certification

The hotelbranch that has conducted the training receives an award as “A Place to Flourish” and the certificate as employee wellbeing & flourishing advocate.

This award demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to employee wellbeing and thus appeals to investors and potential candidates.

The Proposal

A Place to Flourish

Download the complete proposal as a pdf document for more information on the wellbeing solution and the programme outline and content.



it’s a pleasure to introduce myself.

My passion is the good life from a holistic perspective that unites body, mind and the external world. As a trainer and consultant, I facilitate workshops and seminars on the application of Positive Psychology at work and in everyday life to increase wellbeing, retain and attract employees and thus increase the performance of people and organizations.

With over eight years of experience in the hospitality sector, I know from experience what it’s like to work long shifts, navigate conflict in a team, and handle demanding clients while keeping a positive attitude. From waiting tables to hosting executive board members and heading teams of up to 35 people, I understand what it means to be in the industry.

The combination of unique professional qualifications and education with my extensive hands-on experience makes me the ideal wellbeing trainer in the hospitality sector and it would be a great honour to create a place to flourish with you.

Education & Certification

The Discovery Call

I am grateful for the opportunity to begin a conversation with this proposal. 

With absolute delight, I will provide you with more information or arrange a free and no-obligation discovery call.


Create a sense of wellbeing that radiates to others.


The speciality of Flourished You is the application of Positive Psychology in coaching and training approaches. Through the integration of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology, the approach can be adapted ideally to individual needs and combine the best of both worlds. Flourished You gladly provides guidance through certain topics of Positive Psychology and supports with interventions and background knowledge to facilitate high wellbeing, optimal functioning and flourishing.

Positive Psychology is an exciting new field of study that explores the science of happiness, wellbeing, and human flourishing. It focuses on the positive aspects of life such as love, hope, optimism, strengths, resilience and other resources.

Positive Psychology is a relatively new field of psychology, but it is quickly gaining traction as a way to improve mental health and overall wellbeing. By focusing on the idea that individuals are capable of achieving a greater sense of wellbeing and happiness by actively engaging in activities that bring fulfilment, joy and other positive emotions. It is a proactive approach to mental health that focuses on the strengths and potential of individuals that seeks to cultivate the positive aspects of life and to help individuals to achieve their highest potential.

Coaching as a proactive mental health intervention aims to improve performance and wellbeing or achieve a personal objective by helping clients learn rather than teaching them while maintaining a respectful, open and compassionate attitude and providing a structured process using appropriate techniques and tools. Coaching is a co-created environment to drive best quality thinking, learn about oneself and navigate change. The Flourished You approach toc coaching is also called evidence-based coaching or Coaching Psychology. Coaching Psychology is a developmental process grounded in psychological theory.

In pure coaching, the coach does not share advice on specific topics but rather guides the coachee via coaching techniques to find personal answers. However, specific psychological information and advice can certainly be provided in the session if requested.

In training, on the other hand, the trainer covers a specific topic and actively brings in expert knowledge while the participants are engaged in the elaboration of the topic.

Yes, the training content is a general suggestion based on the needs assessment that has been undertaken. It goes without saying that the needs identified are not necessarily those of your employees. Therefore, the training can be completely adapted and modules can be added or exchanged. In addition, elements such as coaching for individuals and in a group format can be added, as well as TRE, mindfulness or yoga. Ultimately, the aim is to increase the wellbeing of employees. This can be achieved with each of Flourished You’s offerings, such as coaching, as well as in a combination of training modules and other practices. You can find out more in the proposal.

In the workbooks, there are five types of content:

  • Background knowledge, concepts and theories from Psychology.
  • Science-based interventions from Psychology to enhance wellbeing and support self-discovery.
  • Additional resources such as videos, books or podcasts that are relevant to the topic.
  • Scientific measurement tools and questionnaires to explore individual characteristics.
  • Creative exercises and activities specially designed to support in individual self-exploration.

TRE® is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (or TRE®) is based on the fundamental idea, backed by research, that stress, tension and trauma is both psychological and physical. TRE®’s reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing.  After doing TRE®, many people report feelings of peace and well-being. TRE® has helped many thousands of people globally.

TRE® is designed to be a self-help tool that, once learned, can be used independently as needed throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wellness.



Flourished You

The science of wellbeing applied to life.

2022 Flourished You | all rights reserved