Welcome to Flourished You!

It is a pleasure to have you here.


Mission & Vision

The motivation and aim of Flourished You.

We have this life and this life only. Each and every one of us human beings is only here on this planet for a speck of time. So what is the optimal way to spend this precious time? The answer to this question is different for everyone and with Flourished You, I strive to support in finding and pursuing it.

Most people want to be well. But what does that mean? Wellbeing is a complex phenomenon that depends on a subjective satisfaction balance of different elements for each individual. Here, I can assist with clarity and enhancement regarding those elements, so that life can be lived to the fullest.

In the quest for the great life, I integrate the latest scientific knowledge with wisdom and practices that have been developed over hundreds and thousands of years in disciplines concerned with wellbeing on this earth. This allows a truly holistic perspective on the great life.

The Booklet

Learn more about
the Flourished You approach

Positive Psychology applied to life.

Download the free booklet for an introduction to Positive Psychology and the Flourished You approach to wellbeing and flourishing.




No matter what the situation, we always hold the power over perception and action. Response-ability means being aware of this capability and living life proactively rather than passively.


Consciousness and perception without the distortion of patterns and programmes that run in our mind. Attentiveness means being fully in the here and now because this is where life happens.

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Ethical responsibility

Before life is good

Pursuing self-actualisation is a privilege that millions of people on our planet do not have. By becoming a Unicef project sponsor, I hope to support the safety and wellbeing of people who are living in poverty.

Poverty can have multiple causes and education can be seen as a strong mitigating factor for poverty. However, poverty jeopardises education in that access can be limited for different socio-economic classes, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and limited educational opportunities. It can therefore be argued that tuition-free primary education, as provided in many countries around the world, is an important factor in laying the foundation for wellbeing. However, in addition to the actual cost of education, there may be additional opportunity costs for a family living in poverty to send a child to school. In rural India, one participant of a study analysed in a research project of mine said that she had to take one child out of school to have help with the farm the family lives by. This one example among many points to the urgency of support measures for people living in poverty to access education, as demonetisation does not seem to be sufficient. 

The education of girls and women is of particular importance in the fight against poverty, as it not only increases income but also has a positive impact on family planning and children’s health. In sum, education is positively associated with the social-economic status, promotes a sense of agency and is considered to be a key contributer for health and prosperity, thereby acting as a moderating factor for wellbeing. 


Saskia Fehr

Saskia Fehr

Positive Psychology & Coaching

With Flourished You, I strive to enhance the wellbeing of people at work and in their private lives to encourage a great and well-lived life.

Eva Demchik

Social Media Marketing

For me, a good life means learning something new every day and never standing still.

Saskia Fehr

Positive Psychologist & Accredited Coach


from the depth of my heart.

I am passionate about wellbeing and helping others connect to their unique notion of a well-lived life. My approach combines Positive Psychology with traditional practices, emphasizing self-awareness and aligning actions with one’s true self.

As a Coach, I support people in bringing more meaning and purpose into their lives aiming for higher wellbeing and flourishing.

As a trainer and consultant, I facilitate workshops and seminars on the application of Positive Psychology at work and in everyday life to increase wellbeing, retain and attract employees and thus increase the performance of people and organizations.

As a lecturer, I am passionate about teaching Positive Psychology and enjoy the inspiring exchange with my students.

As a facilitator of events such as retreats, mindfulness practices, sharing circles or TRE®, I delight in the deep connection with the participants. I regularly experience awe and wonder in this work due to the insights gained and shared.

We all have so little time in this life, yet we often blow it on things we do not really care about, which we usually pay for later by going through smaller or bigger life crises. That is why I created Flourished You.

Saskia Fehr

Positive Psychologist & Accredited Coach

Education & Certification

My Why

I went on the quest for meaning and purpose in life at an early age due to long disease and ultimately the passing of my mother. This experience brought me to Positive Psychology, the science of what makes life worth living. In addition to the Western science of the good life, I also study the “good life” disciplines of other cultural backgrounds, such as Yoga and Buddhism, which I integrate in my approach.

We live in a world that offers constant distraction. A thousand things confront us every day that are perceived as more or less important. They demand our attention, our energy and other resources. This way, several years can pass quickly, in some cases even several decades, until one really comes to terms with what is truly important to them in life. Lifetime is the most precious thing we all have. You don’t want to waste that on distractions. You want to fully embrace your life and realize the greatest life there possibly is.

My How

I believe that true fulfilment in life arises from aligning one’s sense of self with one’s actions, therefore my practice is centred on nurturing self-awareness and creating this essential harmony. Each day, countless demands vie for our attention, and it’s all too easy to let years or even decades slip by without a genuine connection to our deepest self, that is what we consider meaningful and worthwhile.

My approach is informed by both Western science and the teachings of millennia old traditions, including disciplines like Yoga and Buddhism. Both are integrated into my work, providing the fertile soil for a flourishing life. I am not merely an advocate for these principles; I embody them in my own life as I follow my personal (spiritual) practice of meditation, contemplation, reflection and envisioning. This dynamic approach allows me to adapt and align with my evolving life circumstances and stages as living a meaningful life is not a one-time construction of a big hairy ambitious goal. It is a process that needs to grow and evolve the same way we do.

I strongly believe in the power of living a joyful life and fully embracing the present moment whilst being of service to the world – a philosophy I am eager to share and support in your journey towards wellbeing, purpose, and a truly flourishing life.

VIA Signature Strengths

Character Strengths Profile

Love of Learning
Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
Appreciation of Beauty
& Excellence
Love of Learning

For me, a good life means learning something new every day and never standing still.

I don’t want to stay in my comfort zone, I want to grow, so I’m not afraid of change but rather see it as an opportunity. I love being surrounded by people and approaching others openly.

I think, you should see the positive in everything, appreciate the little things and enjoy the moments, but also accept the downs and realise that without them, you wouldn’t appreciate the ups.

Eva Demchik

Student Media Management & Digital Marketing

VIA Signature Strengths

Character Strengths Profile

Love of Learning
Social Intelligence
Love of Learning
Social Intelligence