Positive Psychology


Learning and development in a structured process supported by tools and techniques grounded in Psychology for your best quality thinking.


The Benefits of Coaching

Coaching can serve many purposes and offers a compelling return on investment for both business and personal settings. Below are some data of the statistical report of the International Coaching Federation about that matter.

More Self-Confidence

Improved Relationships

Better Work Performance

50 x ROI
of Coaching in Business

3.5 x ROI
on Coaching in Private

What to bring to Coaching?

Coaching as such has no agenda. It is a method that can be applied in any thematic context. Whether career-related, relationships, leadership or personal development, the topic as such has no implication for the process of coaching since the coachee is considered the expert on his or her situation.

What coaching can support with:

The Coaching Package

The onboarding as a coaching client at Flourished You brings a wealth of services and benefits.

According to your calender and needs for maximum flexibility

If requested to observe, evaluate and monitor the process

From Psychology and other disciplines concerned with the great life

After each session to deepen understanding and insight through a new perspective

All materials accessible to the clients of the training services are included in the coaching package

The Booklet

Learn more about the Flourished You approach

Positive Psychology applied to life.

Download the free booklet for an introduction to Positive Psychology and the Flourished You approach to wellbeing and flourishing.

The Chemistry Session

You have a question, would like to exchange a few ideas, have a special request or are simply curious?

Before every coaching agreement, there is a so-called chemistry session in which we get to know each other, clarify all questions and discuss our potential collaboration. It is free of charge to you.

Coaching Results

Every coaching process is evaluated for quality control purposes. Some results of past evaluations are shown below.


Average star rating by previous coachees for the coaching experience



Of previous coachees would recommend the coaching to others

What Previous Clients Say

How was it like?

When asked to describe the coaching with single words, previous evaluations resulted in this word cloud.


The speciality of Flourished You is the application of Positive Psychology in coaching and training approaches. Through the integration of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology, the approach can be adapted ideally to individual needs and combine the best of both worlds. Flourished You gladly provides guidance through certain topics of Positive Psychology and supports with interventions and background knowledge to facilitate high wellbeing, optimal functioning and flourishing.

Positive Psychology is an exciting new field of study that explores the science of happiness, wellbeing, and human flourishing. It focuses on the positive aspects of life such as love, hope, optimism, strengths, resilience and other resources.

Positive Psychology is a relatively new field of psychology, but it is quickly gaining traction as a way to improve mental health and overall wellbeing. By focusing on the idea that individuals are capable of achieving a greater sense of wellbeing and happiness by actively engaging in activities that bring fulfilment, joy and other positive emotions. It is a proactive approach to mental health that focuses on the strengths and potential of individuals that seeks to cultivate the positive aspects of life and to help individuals to achieve their highest potential.

Coaching as a proactive mental health intervention aims to improve performance and wellbeing or achieve a personal objective by helping clients learn rather than teaching them while maintaining a respectful, open and compassionate attitude and providing a structured process using appropriate techniques and tools. Coaching is a co-created environment to drive best quality thinking, learn about oneself and navigate change. The Flourished You approach toc coaching is also called evidence-based coaching or Coaching Psychology. Coaching Psychology is a developmental process grounded in psychological theory.

In pure coaching, the coach does not share advice on specific topics but rather guides the coachee via coaching techniques to find personal answers. However, specific psychological information and advice can certainly be provided in the session if requested.

In training, on the other hand, the trainer covers a specific topic and actively brings in expert knowledge while the participants are engaged in the elaboration of the topic.

At Flourished You, various diagnostic instruments from Psychology are used depending on the coaching or training needs to quantitatively measure the effectiveness of the measure. Qualitative experience is also considered important, which is why coaching and training is always evaluated through open questionnaires and interviews. Some results of these evaluations can be found on the respective websites.

Coaching as such has no agenda, so the client can bring anything. It is a method that can be applied in any thematic context whether career-related, relationships, leadership or personal development, the topic as such has no implication for the process of coaching since the coachee is considered the expert of his or her situation. If someone is looking for advice on a specific issue, mentoring might be the right choice.

Coaching may be an expense that some people cannot afford. Nevertheless, everyone should have the opportunity to take advantage of coaching. For this reason, Flourished You has a contingent of pro bono places. If you are interested in such a place, write to us at hello@flourished-you.com and we will see what we can do.

Another way to improve your wellbeing through Positive Psychology and without going into coaching are our flourishing workbooks.

The floursihing workbooks cover a variety of topics from Positive Psychology and guide you through evidence-based knowledge and exercises. In the flourishing workbooks, there are five types of content:

  • Background knowledge, concepts and theories from Psychology.
  • Science-based interventions from Psychology to enhance wellbeing and support self-discovery.
  • Additional resources such as videos, books or podcasts that are relevant to the topic.
  • Scientific measurement tools and questionnaires to explore individual characteristics.
  • Creative exercises and activities specially designed to support in individual self-exploration.

Reach out to hello@flourished-you.com if you want to learn more.

Flourished You follows a holistic approach. Therefore, in addition to coaching for wellbeing, workshops, seminars, events and practices for wellbeing such as TRE, yoga and mindfulness are also offered.

TRE® is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (or TRE®) is based on the fundamental idea, backed by research, that stress, tension and trauma is both psychological and physical. TRE®’s reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing.  After doing TRE®, many people report feelings of peace and well-being. TRE® has helped many thousands of people globally.

TRE® is designed to be a self-help tool that, once learned, can be used independently as needed throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wellness.



Yoga is a traditional system of physical, mental, energetic and spiritual practices that have been time tested and aim to create a union of body, mind, soul, and the universal consciousness. Yogic practices include physical postures (asana), morale behaviour (yama), breathing techniques (pranayama), chanting (mantra), meditation (dhyana) and more.

Mindfulness is a form of mental training that focuses on being present in the moment and observing one‘s thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations with an attitude of nonjudgmental acceptance. It involves paying attention to the here and now, letting go of mental activity, and developing a greater awareness of one‘s body and the environment.

The benefits of practising yoga and mindfulness include increased physical and mental wellbeing, improved mood and concentration, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep, and increased selfawareness to name a few.

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